Saturday, 14 November 2015

Protective Mother with a Heavy Heart

So, once again, we wake up to news of atrocities committed by bullies and cowards hiding behind a veil of a religion that is, at its heart, peaceful and tolerant,  These are young boys and girls, most in their 20s, who have been totally brainwashed into thinking their place in eternity can be secured best by blowing themselves up and taking as many innocent people with them as possible....RIP Paris

A few months ago I was debating the migrant crisis with friends.  It pained me to see such innocent children and their families fleeing what must be the most horrendous of scenes at the place they call home, However, I couldn't get past the thought that among all these innocents wasn't there a possibility the terrorists could be hiding?  After all, we're talking about animals that have been so desensitized to suffering that they can easily behead an innocent, or take down a plane full of holiday makers.  Surely they wouldn't think twice about infiltrating the fleeing families to manoeuvre into position - or bringing their own families along to create a cover.

Yes, it is a war, but this is different. In the past, the young men and women called to fight for their country, religion or cause went off blindly, not really knowing what lay ahead.  This can't be said for the jihadists.  While I absolutely believe there is extreme brainwashing of vulnerable people - they also know exactly what it is they are being asked to do. The ultimate prize for them is to die for their cause - and they are equipped to do just that.   I don't for a second believe they have the option to say no - but when asked to commit an act in a public place there is the option to just disappear into the crowd and find help.

Many of those that have left Britain to join the "cause" have taken wives and children with them - we've even seen mothers taking their children and leaving husbands behind.  Can any of our Western Governments give us assurance that they are not now sheltering in the European refugee camps or being fished out of the water?  The media coverage of the migrants shows a lot of children and women but they are usually speaking to groups of young men...are they really desperate to get to their target country for a better life - or is that code for their ultimate better life? They started out as disorganised pockets of extremists - but they have had time to plan, train, support, recruit and they have the Western culture in their sights, finding any soft targets they can and moving in quickly to cause mayhem and horror.

The humane, peace-loving, global citizen in me wants to reach out to all those that are suffering, show them we care and are here to help them find a better way of life.  The Mother in me wants us to do all we can to keep this flood of people from reaching our shores.  There has to be an alternative to letting the disguised wolves into the pen with the helpless sheep...

I pray for an end to this but I know in my heart there is still so much more to come...

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