Thursday 7 May 2015

Where has that 4 months gone???

And so here we are in May and I've been away since January!  My personal goal this year was to really get on top of this blog and find the perfect "balance" in my life.  4 months in and no progress yet made but I'm not losing faith.  I'm picking myself up, brushing myself off and getting stuck back in.

So many things have taken up my time so far this year. Some very positive distractions in the guise of a gorgeous little 5 year old.  His appetite for knowledge has just exploded since he started school in September.  My early evenings are now spent practicing reading and weekends now have a homework element - he's never satisfied with the one exercise set by the school - he always asks me for more "hard work" to do.   In a future post I will reference some of the excellent home education sites I've found - we are having an awful lot of fun!  On top of that he's learned to ride his bike without stabilisers since Easter so we have a summer of family bicycle trips planned.

Although I'd hoped to perhaps reduce the amount of time I'm away from the house this year, almost the reverse has happened.  Change of leadership at my employer, including a change of boss for me, and it's all systems go at the moment. There has to be a better way!

My health is stable, the Lupus lurks in the background but so far I've kept it under control in 2015.

One of my new goals for this year is now getting weight under control.  I was one of those in the enviable position of eating anything and staying slim until I was nearly 40.  I no longer have the excuse of baby or breast-feeding weight gain and I've learned that it's far harder to shift it the older you get!  I don't want to follow a diet as they always have an end date.  I need to find a better way of getting more exercise and finding the right amount of food to fuel my system but not stick around!

We're now trying to plan a summer holiday and I've entered the world of school holiday travel plans.  I'm appalled at how much difference there is in pricing!  We used to go the first week of September (back to school week) to coincide with C's birthday on the 9th.  Now we're looking to go the last week of July and I just can't bring myself to part with that kind of money!!!  If I ever win the lottery I'm going to open a family friendly holiday park that has static pricing across the Summer months - a guaranteed money maker as we'd be turning away business!  You saw it here first folks - the new Billy Butlin!!

So that's what's been going on in my world since I last posted.  Over the next few weeks I'll add some posts to show some of the things we've been doing, add in the latest menu plans and recipes, and give my opinions on a few pressing matters!

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